Hezbollah’s Involvement in Syria

Hezbollah, a Lebanese militia is currently at the center of escalating tensions with Israel.

From Social Unrest to Reforms in Idlib

On Friday, the weekly protest in Binnish organized by the Protest Movement in Idlib escalated into violence. Demonstrators fired shots and assaulted officers at...

Healthcare Crisis in Idlib

In recent months, the healthcare system in Idlib province has seen substantial cuts in international aid funding.

Podcast 12 – Ukrainian-Russian conflict and its relation to Syria

https://soundcloud.com/levant-24/podcast-12-ukrainian-russian-conflict-syria/s-MnF9pVM9r2X?utm_source=clipboard&utm_medium=text&utm_campaign=social_sharing In this podcast, we are joined by Abdul-Rasheed al-Khateeb, and English literature graduate. We will discuss with him the Russian intervention in Syria and...

Podcast 11 – Against all odds: Studying in Syria’s warzone

https://soundcloud.com/levant-24/podcast-11-against-all-odds-studying-in-syrias-warzone?utm_source=clipboard&utm_medium=text&utm_campaign=social_sharing In this podcast we are joined by. Muhammad Al Hamood a medical student. Muhammad is a 2nd year medical student from Idlib. Together, will...