Yesterday, the Syrian Salvation Government (SSG) Ministry of Religious Trusts and Endowments handed over $350,000 worth of gold and various currencies to the Palestinian Scholars Association (PSA). The donations were raised over eight days through the fundraising and awareness campaign “Gaza and Idlib: One Wound.”
In attendance at the event were Hussam Haj Hussein, head of the Ministry of Religious Trusts and Endowments, Amir Allu the director of the Humanitarian Action Coordination Office (HAC), and representatives of the PSA.
Speeches were given by Hussein, Allu, and Ismail Amm of the PSA with a pre-recorded special address from Sheikh Nawaf Al-Takrouri, committee member of the International Union of Muslim Scholars (IUMS).
While the fundraising campaign has ended, events in the liberated north have not. Following the afternoon prayers the Ain Jalut Scouts (AJS) and the Syrian National Scouts (SNS) took part in a solidarity march and sit-in. The group set off from Shuaib Mosque in Idlib City and marched to the Clock Tower Square where they took part in a sit-in to show their support for the people of Palestine and Gaza.
Despite the distance between Idlib and Gaza their shared thread of suffering and struggle unites them. Occupation, displacement, bombardment, and over a decade spent striving for dignity and freedom are among those things uniting the hearts of the people of Idlib and Gaza. In the absence of international support to alleviate their suffering and help, the people in Syria’s liberated north continue to do what is within their power to show their support and aid their brothers in Palestine.