AANES and SDF Reject Turkish-Assad Normalization Efforts

Credit: (SDC/twitter)

The Autonomous Administration of North Eastern Syria (AANES), and the PKK-aligned Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF), have renewed their strong opposition to the recent normalization efforts between Turkey and the Assad regime, calling it a “hostile step” against “Syria and its people.”

In a statement released on Thursday, July 18, AANES criticized the proposed rapprochement between Ankara and Damascus, highlighting Turkey’s “negative influence over the past decade.” The statement accused Turkey of supporting “terrorist and mercenary groups,” and undermining the “legitimate opposition” by diverting it from its true objectives.

“Any agreement or understanding between the parties that does not include a radical political solution guaranteeing the safe and dignified return of Syrians, the rights of all Syrian people, the release of detainees, and the withdrawal of foreign forces from Syria is considered a hostile step against Syria and the Syrians,” the statement read.

AANES emphasized the need for “a comprehensive political solution that ensures the unity and sovereignty of Syria.” Declaring they wanted a “unified democratic Syria” built upon the principles of Syrian national dialogue and the preservation of Syria’s “dignity and sovereignty.”

This stance comes as the reconciliation process between the Assad regime and Turkey progresses slowly due to mutual intransigence. AANES has repeatedly voiced objections and proposed alternative initiatives over the years, albeit without significant traction.

Hassan Kocer, the deputy co-president of the Executive Council of AANES, criticized Turkey’s intentions, suggesting that Ankara seeks to “exploit all parties in Syria for its agendas.” He urged the Damascus government not to fall for Turkey’s “games.”

“[AANES] does not pose any threat to any party and are not enemies to any party. We seek to build Syria and preserve the sovereignty of the country’s lands. We are ready to liberate the occupied Syrian regions in partnership with the Syrian army (Assad regime forces),” Kocer said, highlighting AANES’ commitment to cooperation with the Assad regime, despite also claiming to be part of the Syrian “opposition,” and allied with the US – a staunch political opponent of the Assad regime.

SDF leader Mazloum Abdi reiterated this commitment to “dialogue and cooperation” while emphasizing their readiness to defend “their” territory. “We have always worked for the unity of Syrian geography and not to divide it, and we will continue our struggle and work today and tomorrow as well. Our policy today preserves the unity of Syrian territory,” Abdi stated. He expressed willingness to engage in dialogue with Turkey and all other parties to achieve what he called stability, while also being prepared to repel any attacks. “We are ready for dialogue with Turkey and all parties and are ready to repel any attack,” Abdi affirmed.

The Syrian Democratic Council (SDC), the political wing of the AANES and SDF, has also called for dialogue with the “Syrian opposition,” reaffirming support for protests in northern Aleppo against Turkish intervention. The SDC emphasized that Turkey’s attempts to restore relations with the Assad regime are detrimental to Syrian interests, advocating instead for “unity and cooperation among Syrians.”


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