The Humanitarian Action Coordination Office (HAC) has recently implemented the issuance of visitor cards to relief delegations coming from Turkey towards Idlib, via the Bab al-Hawa crossing. The purpose is to facilitate their work and tours in the region, especially at security checkpoints.
HAC continues to develop innovative mechanisms for joint humanitarian coordination to elevate relief efforts. The organization, a non-profit Syrian institution based in Idlib, established in 2022, recently held a training workshop with several humanitarian organizations and UN agencies. These cards have been implemented to further promote increased efficiency and coordination between humanitarian and aid workers within northern Syria and to help ensure their secure and speedy access through checkpoints and the liberated regions.
One of HAC’s primary objectives is to enhance the efficiency, effectiveness, and adaptability of humanitarian work in response to emergencies and changing circumstances, and coordinate while assuring the delivery of humanitarian aid to improve the overall humanitarian situation for the 4.5 million Syrians residing in the region. In order to help meet these goals HAC has recently implemented the use of these special cards working within northern Syria.