HTS Commandos Capture Regime Soldiers in Retaliatory Operation

Credit: (Amjad/Social Media)

 In a retaliatory operation against the Assad regime forces, a commando unit from Hayat Tahrir al-Sham (HTS) captured two regime soldiers in the countryside of Aleppo on Monday. The raid, described as a “precision” operation by HTS’s Northern Operations Command, took place on the Kabashin axis in the northwestern countryside of Aleppo, a region that has witnessed escalating violence.

The operation came just hours after Assad regime forces, in coordination with Russian military assets, launched attacks on the village of Kafr Nouran. The attack on a vegetable market, which involved suicide drones, resulted in injuries to 13 civilians, including three children. These strikes were the latest in a series of escalations that have severely impacted the civilian population in northwestern Syria.

According to a statement released by HTS’s Northern Operations Command, the attack on the regime’s military point was meticulously planned and executed by a special operations unit of the Saad bin Abi Waqqas Brigade. The commandos successfully infiltrated the enemy’s bunkers, captured two soldiers, and gained control of the regime’s advanced military position, which was reportedly monitoring several key roads in the area.

“In response to the ongoing aggression against our people, our units executed a well-coordinated and precise operation on one of the enemy’s points,” the statement read. “We have the strength and ability to deliver fatal and painful blows to the enemy.”

The Amjad Media Foundation, an outlet affiliated with HTS, released video footage showing the captured soldiers being transported to HTS-controlled areas. The incident marks yet another episode in a series of “immersion” operations conducted by HTS against the Assad regime forces. These operations typically involve infiltration and direct engagement with regime troops, often resulting in significant casualties and the seizure of military equipment.

The Assad regime has not officially acknowledged the loss of its soldiers, a common practice following such operations. However, pro-regime social media accounts have been active in posting tributes and obituaries for the fallen soldiers.

Northwestern Syria has been a focal point of violence this year, with the Syrian Civil Defense, also known as the White Helmets, documenting nearly 400 attacks by regime and Russian forces in the first half of 2024. Among these were 120 suicide drone strikes targeting civilian areas.

HTS’s statement also hinted at future operations, vowing to continue its campaign against regime forces in response to the ongoing assaults on civilian populations in Idlib and Aleppo. The group, which has maintained control over much of Idlib province, has repeatedly clashed with regime forces while defending the front lines in northwestern Syria.


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