Journalist Bakr Al-Qasim Released After Week-Long Detention

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 Syrian journalist Bakr al-Qasim was released late Monday night after spending a week in detention by the Military Police in the city of Al-Bab, located in the eastern countryside of Aleppo. His release follows a significant outcry from fellow journalists, media organizations, and human rights activists, who rallied for his freedom and condemned his arbitrary arrest.

Al-Qasim, who works as a freelance journalist for the Turkish Anadolu Agency and the French Agence France-Presse, was arrested on August 26 by the Military Police of the Syrian National Army (SNA) at a checkpoint in Al-Bab. The arrest carried out without a judicial warrant or clear charges, led to his subsequent handover to Turkish intelligence, prompting widespread condemnation.

The arrest occurred after Qasim and his wife, journalist Nabiha al-Taha, were stopped by a checkpoint while returning from covering a commercial exhibition in Al-Bab. Al-Taha was briefly detained but later released, while al-Qasim was taken to his home, where Military Police confiscated his work equipment before transferring him to an undisclosed location.

The Syrian Journalists Union, which represents journalists across the country, accused the commander of the Military Police in Al-Bab, Rakan Al-Assas, of abusing his authority. During an emergency meeting on September 1, the Union proposed filing a formal lawsuit against the Military Police, citing violations of Qasim’s civil rights and the illegal nature of his arrest.

“The arbitrary arrest and enforced disappearance of journalist Bakr al-Qasim is a blatant abuse of power and a clear violation of civilians’ rights,” the Union stated. “We demand accountability for those responsible for these unlawful actions.” They also called for intensified media coverage of violations against journalists in northern Syria, urging the public to identify those involved in such acts as “enemies of the truth.” The importance of holding perpetrators accountable through both legal action and public awareness campaigns was emphasized by the organization.

The advocacy efforts were bolstered by Reporters Without Borders, which issued a statement on August 27, demanding al-Qasim’s immediate release and the return of his confiscated equipment. The international organization highlighted the alarming trend of arbitrary arrests of journalists in Syria, calling for greater protection of press freedoms in the region.

Throughout the week of his detention, the lack of transparency surrounding his case fueled concerns among his colleagues and human rights groups. Abdul Rahman Mustafa, head of the Syrian Interim Government (SIG), stated that he was unaware of the circumstances leading to Qasim’s arrest, further complicating the situation.

Videos circulated online showing his eventual release from Al-Rai prison in eastern Aleppo, where he had been held. The footage captured Qasim’s emotional reunion with his family in Al-Bab, though the reasons for his detention remain unclear.

The Syrian Journalists Union has vowed to continue pursuing legal action and advocacy to prevent future abuses against media workers. They are preparing reports on the issue of arbitrary arrests and enforced disappearances of journalists in the region, aiming to bring international attention to the ongoing threats faced by the press in Syria.

Al-Qasim’s release is seen as a victory for press freedom in a country where journalists often operate under the threat of detention, harassment, and violence. However, his case exemplifies the ongoing challenges media professionals face in Syria.


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