Iranian militias continue to seek to infiltrate Deir ez-Zor and its people to spread their religious beliefs and change the demographics of the region in favor of Iran’s project.
According to reports, the cultural center of the Iranian forces in Deir ez-Zor announced the beginning of a special program to review the educational curricula for middle school students.
The center has notified that the courses will start next Saturday and throughout the week until the period for exams.
To supervise the revision processes, the Iranian Cultural Center said to be hiring a number of teachers of basic subjects in the city to start immediately.
Forces working for Iran are trying to get closer to the people of Deir ez-Zor city by participating in various cultural and community events and activities through their cultural centers spread throughout the province.
The Cultural Center participated in the occasion of Mother’s Day this year and held a large party where it distributed gifts to the mothers participating in the celebration activities.
It also organized several recreational trips for children within the areas under their control.
Reportedly, these militias also seek to include as many youths as possible in their ranks by paying attractive salaries, in addition to distributing aid and food baskets to their members. This comes while taking advantage of the difficult living and economic conditions that various Syrian regions are facing.