The Republican Senator in the US Congress, John Kennedy, presented a draft supplement to the US Defense Budget Act, aiming to tighten the grip on the Syrian regime.
According to reports, Senator Kennedy proposed the draft supplement to the budget law – when passed – will deprive the Syrian regime of special drawing rights for funds from the International Monetary Fund. These funds were approved as aid under the clause of ”early recovery from the effects of the Covid-19 pandemic”.
The value of this fund amounts to a billion US dollars approximately, according to Syrian politician, Ayman Abdel Nour.
The planned annex requires the International Monetary Fund to refrain from granting SDR funds to any country that committed genocide in the last decade, which in turn applies to the Assad regime.
For the past few years, the regime has been suffering from a stifling economic crisis that has suspended many of its foundations.
As a result of this, the regime and its members began to follow a “mafia-like” methodology to support itself, especially through drug trafficking and blackmailing businessmen and traders.