FMOR Strikes Back in Response to Attacks on Civilian Targets

In the wake of recent attacks on civilian targets in Idlib and Aleppo provinces, the Fath al-Mubeen Operations Room (FMOR) has taken decisive action to retaliate against the criminal Assad regime’s aggression. FMOR has launched a series of missile strikes targeting the locations of the regime’s militias, aiming to hold them accountable for their attacks on cities and towns inhabited by civilians in the liberated north.

The artillery and missile regiment of the Shah Tehreek Hayyaat, utilizing Grad missiles and heavy artillery shells, has successfully targeted several key locations. These include military installations in occupied cities and towns such as Qardaha in the countryside of Latakia, Nubl, and Al-Zahra in north Aleppo, as well as Shatah, Jurin, Farika, and Kharab Al-Sheikh in northwest Hama. Additionally, FMOR has destroyed an artillery position in the occupied city of Saraqib and achieved direct hits on enemy gatherings, fuel tankers, and vehicles in various locations.

FMOR’s actions are a direct response to the regime’s bombing of liberated areas, which has resulted in the tragic loss of civilian lives and injuries. The recent attacks have claimed the lives of 17 civilians and injured 30 others, including innocent individuals in Darat Izza, Idlib, Sarmin, and other areas.

In a statement released by FMOR, the group emphasized their commitment to targeting the artillery positions, launchers, headquarters, and gatherings of the Assad gangs responsible for the bombings. The strikes have extended to include various locations, demonstrating FMOR’s determination to hold the criminal regime accountable for its actions while they defend the lives and safety of civilians in the face of such ruthless aggression. The Fath al-Mubeen Operations Room’s response underscores the group’s unwavering dedication to protecting civilian populations and seeking justice in the face of violence and aggression.


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