Thousands Commemorate the 13th Anniversary of the Syrian Revolution in Northern Syria and Beyond

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Today, Syrians across liberated northern Syria as well as parts of Deir Ezzor in the east and Suwayda in the south are marking the thirteenth anniversary of the Syrian Revolution with demonstrations and vigils. These events were organized by Syrian politicians, academics, activists, and opposition institutions under the slogan: The Revolution is for all Syrians.

The Syrian revolution, which began in March 2011, initially called for freedom, dignity, and political reform. Over time, the demands escalated to the overthrow of the Assad regime. Since then, millions of Syrians have been displaced, thousands have been killed, and tens of thousands have been detained.

In northwestern Syria, demonstrators gathered at the Sabaa Bahrat roundabout in Idlib city after Friday prayers to honor the revolution’s martyrs, demand the release of detainees, and advocate for the freedom and dignity of the Syrian people. Similar gatherings took place in cities and towns across northwestern Syria, including in the northern and eastern countryside of Aleppo, Ras al-Ain, and Tal Abyad in northeastern Syria.

Participants in the gatherings, which numbered in the thousands renewed their demands for the overthrow of the Assad regime, and the release of detainees, pledging the revolution would continue until the fall of Bashar. Celebratory commendations of the revolution were held in Idlib, Binnish, Jisr al-Shughur, Kafr Takharim, and Maarat Misrin, in addition to the cities and towns of Azaz, al-Bab, Afrin, al-Atareb, and Darat Azza in the Aleppo countryside.

Counter protests demanding the resignation of Hayah Tahrir al-Sham (HTS) leader Abu Muhammad al-Jolani led by Islamic scholar Abdur Razzaq al-Mahdi and Abu Muhamad Sadiq in Binnish, former HTS member Abu Malik al-Tili in Jisr al-Shughur and Dr. Bassam Sahyouni in Idlib City, with demonstrators rejecting the “monopolistic policies” and calling for his resignation.

On this thirteenth anniversary, Syrians continue to assert their demands for regime change and justice while commemorating the sacrifices made in their struggle for freedom and dignity. These demonstrations serve as a reminder of the ongoing desire for a better future in Syria, where accountability and justice prevail, and stood as a testament to the unity of the Syrian people in their opposition to Assad his criminal regime, and Russian and Iranian allies.


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