Resistance and Reform, The Path to Victory and Success – SSG Commemorates 13th Anniversary of Revolution

Credit: (SSG / Screenshot)

Syrian Salvation Government (SSG) Prime Minister Engineer Muhammad al-Bashir delivered a speech yesterday, marking the 13th anniversary of the Syrian Revolution. His words represented the spirit of resilience that has characterized the Syrian people’s struggle for freedom and justice.

In his address, Prime Minister al-Bashir reminisced about the genesis of the revolution, hailing it as a beacon of hope and a testament to the indomitable will of the Syrian people. He spoke of the sacrifices made, the lives lost, and the challenges overcome in the pursuit of a future free from oppression and tyranny. Despite facing formidable adversaries and enduring immense suffering, al-Bashir affirmed the unwavering commitment of the SSG to continue the fight until the criminal regime of Bashar al-Assad and its allies are ousted.

The Prime Minister underscored the achievements of the revolution, particularly in the establishment of liberated areas as bastions of hope and progress. He emphasized the importance of unity and solidarity among Syrians, urging them to reject division and stand united in their quest for liberation. Al-Bashir’s message was one of resilience, determination, and unwavering faith in the ultimate triumph of the Syrian people’s aspirations.

Echoing the sentiments expressed by Prime Minister al-Bashir, the Ministry of Media released a statement reaffirming the Syrian people’s commitment to resistance and reform as the path to victory. The statement highlighted the collective resolve of the Syrian populace to continue their struggle against the Assad regime and its allies, regardless of the challenges they face.

The Ministry of Media emphasized the need for unity among revolutionary factions and the importance of mobilizing society in support of civil affairs. It called for greater cohesion among military factions to effectively challenge the status quo and pave the way for the revolution’s success.

As the Syrian Revolution enters its thirteenth year, the messages delivered by al-Bashir and the Ministry of Media serve as reminders of the ongoing “struggle for freedom, justice, and dignity.” Despite the hardships of years of war, the Syrian people profess steadfastness in their pursuit of “a brighter future,” and are resolute in their desire, as shown at rallies throughout the country, to remove the Assad regime.


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