Idlib Marks One Year since October 7 Operations with Ongoing Support for Gaza

Credit: (News Agency of Sham)

As the world commemorates the first anniversary of the October 7 operations, Syrians in liberated areas, especially Idlib, continue to stand in solidarity with Gaza. Despite enduring conflict and hardship, residents have organized demonstrations, rallies, and fundraising campaigns to aid Palestinians affected by continuing attacks by Israel’s occupying forces. The Syrian Salvation Government (SSG) launched the “Our Wound is One” campaign, reflecting the profound connection between both regions.

In this spirit of solidarity, the town of Atma, home to the largest gathering of internally displaced persons (IDPs) in revolutionary-held northwestern Syria, witnessed a strong display of support for Palestinians. Locals recently gathered to express their shared pain with Gaza, enduring relentless Israeli bombardment. Salwa Abdulrahman, a journalist who participated in the protests, remarked that “no one can understand the terror of bombing better than us,” emphasizing the deep emotional bond between the two communities.

This bond was further highlighted as demonstrations unfolded in Idlib, Darat Izza, and other towns despite the ongoing airstrikes by regime forces and Russian warplanes. Abdulrahman explained how people braved aerial bombardments to make their voices heard. Their resilience was on full display, as participants declared, “Our hearts are with Gaza,” sending a powerful message of unity across the region.

Even as the intensity of attacks in northwestern Syria escalated, Syrians remained undeterred in their support for Palestinians. By October 18, the war in Gaza was mirrored by airstrikes and rocket fire in Idlib, resulting in dozens of civilian casualties. Yet, in defiance of these assaults, the people of Idlib continued to mobilize, underscoring their shared suffering and determination to stand with Gaza.

This defiance was not limited to the streets. A global teleconference broadcast from Idlib stressed the shared struggles of Syrians and Palestinians, while local events, including a symposium, amplified calls for justice and unity. These efforts, from raising awareness to collecting donations, showcased the unwavering commitment of northern Syria to the Palestinian cause, despite the challenges faced by both communities.

One such effort came from the education sector, which joined the waves of global student solidarity rallies. At Idlib University, students and faculty organized a rally in tandem with similar events around the world. The speeches delivered emphasized the parallels between the struggles of Syrians and Palestinians, calling for an end to the violence and oppression that afflict both regions.

In addition to grassroots movements, the SSG’s Ministry of Awqaf and Ministry of Development played a pivotal role in coordinating aid. They mobilized mosque committees to raise funds and ensured transparency in distributing the donations. Remarkably, over $350,000 was collected, a significant amount in a region where more than 90% of the population lives below the poverty line.

Amidst their own economic struggles, the people of Idlib showed incredible generosity. Rich and poor, young and old, all participated in the fundraising for Gaza. Even civilians like Bakr al-Murshid, who lost his home and a son to regime bombings, donated portions of their UN food parcel in solidarity. As Bakr put it, “The enemy is one, and the wound is one,” drawing a powerful parallel between the struggles of Syrians and Palestinians. This collective effort highlighted the importance of unity and mutual aid in the face of shared adversity, as preachers across Idlib continued to encourage contributions to the cause.

Cultural events further strengthened this bond. The 2024 Idlib Book Fair, for example, underscored the deep ties between Syrians and Palestinians with a dedicated Palestine corner. Palestinian refugees in Syria organized educational activities to raise awareness about their culture, history, and the ongoing conflict. The fair featured Palestinian songs, poetry, and historical artifacts, alongside a seminar led by Dr. Nawaf Al-Takrouri and Dr. Muthanna Al-Zahri, who discussed the current situations in both Palestine and Syria. As Dr. Yasin Alloush aptly summarized, “Our cause and their cause are one…our enemy and their enemy are one and the same.”

In a symbolic gesture of this unity, Idlib City saw the inauguration of Gaza Square, a physical representation of the commitment to Gaza’s struggle from their brothers and sisters in Syria. As the bombings in Gaza continue, the message from freed Syria remains steadfast: “We are with you.”


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