Casualties from Remnants of War Continue in Northwestern Syria

Recently, two children were injured when the remnant of a landmine exploded while they were grazing sheep on agricultural lands in the village of Qirata in Jarablus, eastern Aleppo countryside.

Most of the lines of contact that witnessed clashes between the military factions and the regime forces and its allies are regions of panic and anxiety for those residing there.

Since the beginning of the year, 31 explosions from the remnants of the battles have been documented in northwestern Syria, which killed 28 civilians and wounded 31, including 35 children.

Thousands of these explosives are scattered all over northwestern Syria due to the continuous bombardment of the regime forces, Iran and Russia. Some of them constitute time bombs that threaten the lives of civilians, especially children.

The Syria Civil Defense warned that dozens of these explosives are still present among civilians’ homes, in agricultural lands and in children’s playgrounds.

Children are the main victims due to their lack of awareness, and ignorance of what the explosives are and how to deal with them. Their injuries have left not only a negative impact on them physically, but they are also psychologically scarred.

The Syria Civil Defense reported that this year its specialized teams carried out 780 non-technical survey operations, removed 524 various munitions in 449 removal operations, and provided 1080 awareness classes about the dangers of war remnants.


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