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1535 POSTS

Regime forces intensify bombing campaign on Idlib

On Friday the 20th August, Assad forces launched an onslaught of aerial and ground bombardment on the liberated areas, particularly on the villages and...

Taliban victory and reactions from Syria

On the 15th of August 2021, the world witnessed a global phenomenon as the Afghani group known as the Taliban had captured Kabul, the...

Russia transports Syrian fighters to Libya

The Russian army has recently sent dozens of young men from al-Suwayda to protect its oil facilities in Libya. Suwayda 24 mentioned that after the...

Ahrar al-Sham states unification of single governing system is ineluctable need

Deputy Commander of Ahrar al-Sham to Nidaa Post: Reaching a single system of governance for the liberated areas is an inevitable necessity. Ahrar al-Sham, a...

SNA Major clarifies recent clash with SDF

The official spokesman for the Staff of National Army, Major "Youssef Al-Hamoud" said in a special statement that the SDF are constantly trying to...

Russian delegation enters rebel territory of Daraa al-Balad

A Russian delegation had reportedly visited the eastern countryside of Daraa al-Balad on Thursday, the 12th of August, and met with leaders of the...

Former Minister in Assad Regime warns loyalists of government’s extinction

A former minister in Assad's government criticized the new government announced by Bashar al-Assad, after he dismissed the old cabinet with some new ministers. Former...

Statement by Local Authorities of Houran demand changes

On Saturday, the 7th of August, a statement was issued by the local authorities of Houran calling for a decentralized rule in the province...

Syrian Christian Family escapes horrible life under Assad

Since last week, news rapidly spread about a Christian family that fled from the areas which are under Assad’s control to the liberated city...

National Army explains recent bombing of al-Bab by SDF forces

Major Youssef Hammoud, the military spokesman of the National Army, mentioned about the bombing of the city of al-Bab, on 5th August, that came...

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